
C. Gärdlund | Artist and originator

My name is Catrin.
I’m the artist behind the concept
Art of Coping®.

Art of Coping® refers to the means of how to find the necessary coping mechanisms to achieve wellbeing, something I believe is very important in today’s society.

Art is a way to cope with the unruliness of everyday life in this 21st Century – either by creating it, or by experiencing it.

For me personally art has always been a major contributor as a way to analyze, process and reflect on what is going on around me (and inside me).

The art you find in the Art of Coping® galleries are the result of a need to find and pursue a creative as well as productive outlet. None of the art works have been created for commercial purposes. Instead…

…every piece comes directly from the core of me hence every art work represents a piece of me.

The purpose of this online gallery is to give you something to indulge in, even if only for a moment.



The original drawings, doodles and paintings are created solely by hand using ‘old school’ materials such as rulers, erasers, pens, paper, ink, painter’s colors, brushes etc.

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